There are many browsers out there. To our belief, Chrome is fast, stable, and user-friendly, but does not meet many organizations’ demands for security. Since the tight integration with its inventor (Google) makes many things easier, it does not comply to restrictive data environments. Iridium is not another new browser from scratch. It takes the Chromium code base, which is also used for the official Chrome browser, and enhances its security and sets certain policies by default. There are many forks of Chromium-based browsers, yet, in our opinion, they failed in many other key areas important for adoption:
With Iridium, the whole process is entirely transparent. The public Git repository allows a direct view of all changes made. The complete source code is therefore available, and unlike other providers, not only binary builds of which it is unknown what has been changed.
Iridium has various enhancements where it forces strict security to provide the maximum level of security without compromising compatibility.
Our goal is to provide Iridium on the most common desktop platforms that the majority of users run on, including Linux, Windows and OS X.
We try to distribute it in ways where it allows easy installation and yet allows administrators to deploy it easily. An example is an MSI-based installation mechanism for easy deployments throughout an entire organization.
Backed by serious people
Thanks to the initial members which made Iridium possible. With over 1014 MB of unpacked source code, the Chromium project requires intense analysis and good developers to dive into the source code and make Iridium a reality. Without the founding members of this project, you would not be able to read these lines.